Kamniska Bistrica, Slovenia
2014, competition entry
There are more than 600 mass graves of victims of communist revolution in Slovenia. This is proposal for the Memorial park on the location of executions and mass grave in Kopisce, Kamniska Bistrica. It consists of the entry, memorial path with the Stations of the Cross and the altar with the stone baldachin. There is protection of the mass grave with a space for future graveyard. Liturgical layout is set in nature – open church in the forest.
V Sloveniji je več kot 600 množičnih morišč žrtev komunistične revolucije. Predlog ureja spominski park na Kopišču pri Kamniški Bistrici. Sestavlja ga vhod, spominska pot s križevim potom in oltar s kamnitim baldahinom. Gomile z žrtvami se zaščiti in pusti prostor za bodoče pokopališče. Liturgični prostor je postavljen v naravo – odprta cerkev v gozdu.